\nThis is a popular ingredient in a variety of foods and beverages, from tea and spirits to sauces, salads, and desserts. Mint which has a wide range of uses for health and cosmetic purposes, is also very healing with its tea and oil. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of mint for human health… Here are the benefits of mint…\nIt is a plant from the genus Mentha or Lamiaceae commonly known as mint leaf. The leaves of mint, known for its strong scent, refreshing and relaxing effect, is a delicious spice and has a wide range of uses. Mint is rich in vitamin A. In addition, it contains plenty of calcium, magnesium, potassium, folate and omega-3 oils.\nSome of the health benefits of mint include:
\nIt relieves indigestion so peppermint can do wonders for almost all of your digestive issues. Menthol so the active oil in mint, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help relieve indigestion and soothe the stomach.\n\nIt relieves asthma also peppermint cons Show More