Matcha Green Tea Mixed Herbal Powder
\nIt is a type of high quality green tea obtaine by drying and pulverizing the tea tree leaves grown in the shade. In fact, it is a special product of the refined tastes of the Japanese that gave us this special ingredient. It is traditionally consumed in East Asia so The way Matcha Green Tea is grow and harveste is different.\ndistinguishes it from its peers. After the stems and veins of the leaves are remove, the leaves are ground. Thanks to this feature, it contains more caffeine and antioxidants. It increases the metabolic rate 4 times compare to other teas.\n\nMatcha tea, drink just before exercise, increases the calorie burning rate during exercise from 8-10% to 35-43%. At the same time, chlorophyll, which is containe in a small amount, has an excellent detox feature that cleans the blood for the body.\n\nMatcha Green Tea contains 5 times more L-theanine than other green teas. L-th Show More