\nBlack Pepper improves digestion. It consumption facilitates digestion by increasing the hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach. Proper digestion is essential to avoid intestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation and colic. It also helps prevent intestinal gas formation and when added to the diet can promote sweating and urination. Good digestion aids in weight loss so keeps your body functioning better and prevents serious gastrointestinal upset.\nIt reduces inflammation, piperine contained in black pepper is an anti-inflammatory. Recently, researchers examined the anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects of piperine along with its effects on pain perception. The results showed that piperine blocked the expression of a gene responsible for arthritis and also reduced pain perception and inflammation. In short, Turkish pepper is a natural pain reliever.\nIt relaxes breathing, in ayurvedic practices, pepper is added to drinks for the treatmen Show More